107-Year-Old Skier Still Ripping it Up
An Inspiration to us All
Steven Agar
Janary 16, 2018

If you woke up this morning feeling a little achy, or with a ‘can’t be arsed’ attitude, then look no further than this guy for inspiration to seize the day. This centenarian is probably more than three times your age, yet he’s still ripping turns down the mountain as a skier. Lou Batori is 107-years-old.

His status of “ski legend” is marked by a “100+ Ski Club” patch on his jacket and his own parking spot at Crystal Mountain in Michigan. He no longer races, but he became the world’s oldest NASTAR competitor at age 100, reports purpose2play.com.
“Waiting to be carted away is a stupid waste of life,” he said in 2015. “You can replace anything – your shoes, your house, your belongings. But you cannot replace time…so make the best of it.”

He started skiing on wooden skis in his native Austria at 10 years old, before emigrating to the U.S. with his parents as a teenager. He graduated from MIT and went on to work as an aviation engineer. He worked on the autopilot feature for the B-17 Bomber and with NASA on the Apollo Mission.
“I have been often asked, what ski school have I attended,” he told CBS. “You know what my answer is? “What flying school did the Wright brothers attend?”

As an avid skier all his life, why did Batori settle on staying in Michigan rather than moving West to larger mountains?
“It was a bit of a surprise, but I found that I could log as much vertical feet in a day here in Michigan as I could in the mountains where you spend a lot more time riding a lift,” he told the Record Eagle. “Here the lift ride is shorter, and you spend more time on the slopes. It may not be a mountain, but at the end of the day it all adds up.”
He turned 107 years old last July, and while there wasn’t any snow on the ground, he still spent his birthday at the mountain.
Posted from Snow Brains