Coming to a Mountain Resort Near You: Chairlifts with Digital Screens
By Ryan Brower
This winter you very well could be staring at a screen while on a chairlift — and no, not the screen of your phone. A Denver-based company has raised $150,000 and has agreements with two resorts in the United States to install screens on the safety bar of chairlifts for this coming winter.
According to BusinessDen, Alpine Media Technology has developed a system that places digital screens on the safety bar of chairlifts called the LiftDigital.
A concept that is very similar to those screens you see at gas station pumps, in elevators and in taxis, Alpine has already signed contracts with Winter Park Resort and Wachusett Mountain Ski Area in Massachusetts for this coming winter season.

The screens will include information like GPS, trail maps, safety tips, weather updates, social media and trail conditions, while also displaying ads. Each seat on the chairlift will receive a screen, and Alpine is aiming to install 180 screens on Mary Jane’s 6-person SuperGauge chairlift at Winter Park and up to 120 screens at Wachusett.
Co-founder Freddie Peyerl told BusinessDen, “(Winter Park) makes sense. It’s right here in Colorado. It serves as a testing bed for other Intrawest resorts.”
While no deals have been made with advertisers as of yet, Peyerl is enthusiastic that that part of the equation will soon take care of itself. The two pilot resorts are not paying to partake in the program, but obviously it will serve them with quite an experiment with their guests.
With goals of installing 4,000 to 6,000 displays at 10 resorts next year, we could very well be looking at the digitalization of all chairlifts. Just don’t forget to stop and look around you on the lift.
Posted from GrindTV