Little Cottonwood Canyon Gondola Controversy Reignites With DOT Recommendation
The state’s Department of Transportation recommended a gondola as the most efficient option to decrease canyon traffic.
SLC skiers, the end of your traffic woes may be on the horizon. The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has made another step toward its goal of reducing congestion on State Route 210, which provides SLC residents access to both Alta and Snowbird via Little Cottonwood Canyon. UDOT’s solution? A gondola.
The proposed gondola will sit at the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon and carry passengers to stations located at the base areas of Alta and Snowbird. Each cabin is slated to carry 32 passengers and arrive every two minutes. A 2,500-car lot will provide parking for those making use of the gondola. The ride will take 30 minutes to Snowbird, and 36 to Alta. UDOT hopes that the gondola will alleviate traffic in the canyon.

The gondola initiative is not yet set in stone. The project will enter a public review phase on September 2, ending on October 17. If you’d like to make thoughts or concerns about the gondola known, you can do so here.
Posted from Ski Magazine