Last week, the Safety Shred Days event organized by rider Victor Daviet took place in Arêches Beaufort, France. The four-day event was based around avalanche safety awareness, preparation and readiness.
On the first day, 686, Salomon, Smith and Dakine invited some lucky retailers for a unique experience comprised of night riding, avalanche classes and workshops.

Day two was snow club day. Almost 45 kids from the neighboring ski resorts came to learn mountain safety skills and preparedness from Victor and other world-class guides. It was a perfect opportunity for these kids to share a moment with Victor and learn from his snowboarding experience and passion.

The final two days of the event were open to the public. More than 100 eager people registered and came to the avalanche safety workshops taught by Johan Gaume, the Anena and Arêches Beaufort ski patrol experts.
The Safety Shred days concluded with a day spent riding on the mountain with Victor and a banked slalom shaped by HO5. Snow pros Mat Crepel, Arthur Longo and Thomas Delfino were also on hand to support Victor and enjoy the good times shared throughout the day.
Thanks to Victor and all the event sponsors for organizing such an awesome initiative and for teaching all of us how to be safe out there while doing the things that make us feel alive. Cheers!
Photos: Remi Petit @remipetitfoto
686, Salomon, Dakine, Addicted Shop, Smith, Nixon, The James Brand, BCA, PAG, The Roster, HO5 and Ski Resort Areches Beaufort
Posted from 686