National Ski Club News: Council/Club Snow Sports History

Suicide Six Pilgrimage


Suicide Six Pilgrimage

The second coolest thing about Suicide Six is it’s name. Suicide Six. It sounds gnarly and dangerous. According to legend, it got its name when the original owner was contemplating moving his rope tow from a smaller, low pitch parcel across the road. Somebody looked at the steep face of hill number six and declared that trying to ski it would be suicide. That’s a great story.

Suicide Six

The coolest thing about Suicide Six is that it’s where lift served skiing began in the United States, all the way back in the nineteen thirties. It’s the site where the engine from a Model T Ford was re-engineered into a rope tow for the first time – in the United States at least.

I’ve had the intention to at least stop by and check the place out for a long time. Since it’s on the Indy Pass, I’ve felt the pull of the place even more the last few years. Something always gets in the way. This year, I made a plan to take a few days off during my older son’s school break in March. We would take advantage of the Indy Pass to visit ski resorts we hadn’t been to before.

Model T Ford

I planned out an epic five day loop of New Hampshire and Vermont. Like always, events intervened. It turned I was needed at home on Saturday and in Albany on Friday. Just like that, the plan morphed into two and a half days of skiing instead of five.



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